Success Stories

Global testing and audit company

Developed and implemented North American turnaround sales strategy including process development, target market segmentation, and customer relationship expansion. Trained sales and technical staff resulting in a transition of the average sale from $7,500 per transaction to $69,000 per transaction.

Regulatory SaaS company

Developed marketing and managed outsourced marketing strategy including design, content, and implementation of a new corporate website, public relations strategy, collateral, email marketing, ecommerce, digital marketing, sales tools, and webinars. Generated 33,307 website visitors, 10,444 Google AdWords visitors, 2,932 Contact Us visitors, and 1,582 ecommerce visitors leading to 25% annual revenue growth for two years in a row.

Asian SaaS company

Developed, implemented, and led North American market entry. Defined market opportunities, developed go to market strategy, and generated initial revenue.

Global food, feed, and nutraceutical testing laboratory

Guided sales for North American market expansion tying together nine separate acquired entities. Developed comprehensive messaging to create North American market positioning. Created and led outreach program targeting retailers, manufacturers, and producers through email marketing and webinars.

Environmental, Health, and Safety global certification company

Developed business and sales strategies building a strategy to transition from audits to consulting services.

Environmental consulting engineering firm

Revised corporate positioning as part of an acquisition strategy to expand the company’s geographic and market expansion goals.